Monday, January 14, 2013

2013 New Year Resolution

So it's already another new year!  I can't believe it.  I read somewhere that making new year resolutions is better than not making it because people who do, end up making some attempt at fulfilling and achieving.  So, one of the resolutions I decided to make was to finally read Don Quixote by Miguel de Cervantes.  Actually, this is part of the past new year resolutions that went unfulfilled... because I wanted to read all the books I own but haven't yet read.  Don Quixote is one of them.  Why?  It's 1,000 pages long!  Well, 940 pages but that's pretty much 1,000 pages. When I was a kid, I read 1,000 page book such as Les Miserables (twice, not just once) without much effort.  Somehow, as a working adult, juggling a couple of board duties for non-profit organizations outside of work itself, reading a long book just doesn't seem to go very fast.

In any case, instead of making the resolution to read ALL un-read but owned books (which I failed miserably), I decide to tackle Don Quixote.  I am now on page 109.  At least the chapters are short -- it makes me feel like I accomplished quite a bit (on Chapter XVI).  I have 900 pages to go and 11 months left.  

My other resolution?  Win lotto, buy an island, declare my own country, and be free from never-ending Congressional bickering about budget.  I came kinda close -- I won $3.  I figure I have another 11 months to fulfill this one too.  ;)

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