Craigslist, a popular website for finding just about anything, has taken off adult services link and replaced with the word "censored." Many state attorney generals wrote to Craigslist to take down the service because it allowed prostitution and sex trade. According to this article, Craigslist had initially pointed out that it vetted all adult services ads and that the ads were no worse than other ads at other site.
It's disheartening to realize that in this modern age, slavery and forced sex labor is still an on-going problem. See this National Geographic article (full article only in print) and website of U.S. Department of State's Office to Monitor and Combat Human Trafficking. Whether or not Craigslist's "adult services" section had been used by those engaged in forced sex services may be debated, but at least taking down the section ensures that Craigslist "adult services" site is definitely not used. Craigslist is losing some money by not having the site up (at least in the U.S.) but moral choice is not always about the money. And hopefully, state attorney generals and other organizations can convince that this should be permanent.