Ever had a perfect day? Well, I had one a couple of weekends ago. It was a beautiful, sunny day in San Diego, and a walk by the Sunset Cliff was just the ticket. At the end of the walk, I was treated to dolphins who frolicked about. Earth is quite beautiful! Here are some pictures.
There were already some folks enjoying the day by the cliffs. And up close!

It wasn't just the ocean. Flowers were in full bloom, and flowers by the ocean? Picturesque.

Pelicans were enjoying the day too.

Either that, or they were flying about ready to dive for some food.
Seagulls were also around to add their presence.
For those not traipsing about the cliffs, it was a perfect day for sailing. I couldn't help taking a picture of sailboat gliding by.

And these pictures don't do justice -- there were a number of dolphins breaching out of water. All I could capture were these photos. But they are enough to jog my memory of dolphins frolicking, surfing, and breaching out of water! To end the perfect day by the ocean.