Sunday, May 06, 2012

Carlsbad Flower Fields

At my friend's suggestion, I took a little trek north to Carlsbad to see the Flower Field.  It's actually next to an outlet mall so we ended up checking that out very briefly after taking many, many pictures at the Flower Field.  

Here are some!  

There were rows and rows of flowers!!  In all different colors.

I was showing off my camera's zoom feature... and took photos of these workers who were really really far away.

 Some random colored flowers that got mixed in...

You could see the Pacific Ocean from the top of the flower fields.

And a  windmill!

Enjoying myself in the sun and flowers...

There was an orchid garden too!

Pretty happening gnome... surfing gnome made of sand.

Another part of the fields had a garden with lily pond in the middle.

Can you see?  There were black petunias in the midst of white.  It was pretty striking.