Sunday, May 10, 2009

Predicting TV Hits

Ok. So I try really hard not to watch television, but I'm just addicted. Maybe it's my genes -- I'm just prone to watching TV. Over the years, I noticed that I tended to watch a TV show before it becomes a mega-hit. And then I would drop it after it becomes very popular because the series would get too contrived, too long, not as great, etc. etc. For example, I watched the first season of X-Files before it became a cult hit. I followed it until towards the last 2-3 seasons when the plot just got too contrived. I was also the first season watcher of Alias. Alias gained momentum after the first season (and after a year or two, I stopped watching just when it gained more audience because the story became convoluted).

I'm not saying everything I watch becomes a cult hit. You could also argue that if you watch too much TV, some are bound to be hits.

With the help of Hulu (it is evil!), I actually started watching Dollhouse on Fox. I have to admit I was a fan of Buffy the Vampire Slayer (TV series) and Angel. Joss Whedon is the creator of all 3 shows. The storyline of Dollhouse is... well, morally shocking. It involves brainwashing people and manipulating them to be fantasy slaves to rich people (the short version). But for whatever reason, it is addicting. Maybe because it's morally repugnant? Who knows. But if my past TV watching is any indicator, it might actually become a cult hit.

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