Thursday, June 11, 2009

Savings Caveat

So if my previous post didn't indicate, I like to save (i.e. I'm parsimonious... look it up if you don't know what that means ;). But I like to remind myself for what purpose I'm saving. Yes, there's the retirement thing. Financial independence thing. But it's also so that I can spend the money in ways that I enjoy the most. And I remind myself that I should spend to help others or to treat others... because I do enjoy bringing joy to others. While I stick to saving, I also remind myself that generosity shouldn't go out the window simply for the sake of sticking to my saving goal.

I have a friend who is financially responsible. She is frugal and doesn't spend excessively. However, this same person also paid for her roommate's rent while her roommate/friend was unemployed. I forget a lot of things in life (my brain apparently takes too much abuse from information overload) but that is something I never forgot. Saving doesn't trump generosity... if our family or friend is in need. Or if the occasion calls for it.

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