Sunday, January 24, 2010

Small v. Big Government

My friend and I got to talking about whether it's better to have bigger government involvement or less. It came up because my friend pointed out that more people are somehow connected to government involvement -- direct employment, indirect employment (contractor), beneficiary of some program, etc. -- these days than now.

After our discussion, I started thinking. What's the point of having a government, if it wasn't involved in our lives? The basic notion of having a government is that it was formed to do things for the people that we could not do individually. So government makes rules, protect the people, and enforce the rules. Since we all pay to the government, then don't we want government involved?

The alternative would be to live in a society with no government. Then, of course, there is no society. Every person for him or herself. Philosophers tell us that we would not want to live in such a place. I have no idea whether we would or not. However, in a place with no government, I wonder if people would naturally start coming together, start establishing some sort of rule (don't kill me I won't kill you, this plot of land is mine and all that grows on it is mine alone, etc.), and eventually government would spring up.

Just a random thought on how people actually would like it if there was no government...


JT said...

The preference of smaller or larger government should change with the changing times. Let our system of checks and balances do it's work and hope that The People are never duped in any one direction for too long. To heck with both the extreme left and the extreme right.

haeji said...

I agree. The middle should rise up and speak up... but it always seems the middle of the road is more apathetic than the extremes.

Btw, is this Jerry? How are you and I can't believe you are still reading my blogs. =P

JT said...

Believe it.