Sunday, February 07, 2010

Working on Non-Work

I don't know if it's just me, but I seem to have a perpetual list of things I want to get accomplished that is not work (as in what pays my bills) but not what you would consider entertainment. Basically, they are non-work work.

I made a list to get through this weekend because I got sick of feeling like I had all these loose ends. My list ended up with 16 to-do's. I ended up with 5 that I haven't crossed off. Unfortunately, 4 of 5 are things that I would enjoy doing in my free time -- singing (practicing for my upcoming concert), reading my book/magazines, etc. What got crossed off? Calling my cell phone company (who told me they can't fix text message time stamp because it's Microsoft's fault), getting financial/computer softwares, updating my 2009 finances in anticipation of doing my taxes, etc. Such is our modern life. It's a bit ironic that our technology keeps us just as busy (half of what I crossed off involved using computer, cell phone, etc.). I love technology but apparently maintaining technology in our lives takes up quite a bit of free time.

Although I'm feeling pretty accomplished every time I crossed off something from the list, I think I have to prioritize my list so that next weekend, I cross off things I enjoy first!

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