Monday, March 24, 2008

Visit from My Cousin!

Over the weekend, my cousin Gene, came out to visit with his mom. I played hostess, showing them around the best of San Diego. It was a short but fun visit, filled with swapping family stories (which I obviously can't tell here). You always need guests as excuse to explore some things in your town... like the San Diego zoo! We visited there, and it was also my first time. It was much bigger than I expected, and we didn't get to see everything.

Then I took them to my two favorite spots of San Diego -- Sunset Cliffs and La Jolla Cove. While they were here, we also pigged out at Korean restaurants. I'm pretty sure I ate enough to last me a whole week... except I got hungry the next day again. Funny how our stomachs work. ;)

Here are some pictures. Gene is an excellent photographer (much better than me) so you should check out his photos on flickr or at his blog.

Ducks! They were very colorful...

Koala bears were sleeping for the most part. This one woke up and entertained us.

My cousin Gene and his mom in the background. He loves to take picture of others taking pictures.

This little meerkat plunked himself down in the tub and started sunbathing. It was too cute.

Elephants! They seem so peaceful... but they were chomping away at the tree trunks.

Panda bear!!

And the baby panda bear! It was too cute... and very shy.


Gazelles galore...

Polar bear, taking a nap.

Diving artic duck.
Pretty day to be out at the zoo.

Never saw so many flamingos... actually I don't think I ever saw one before visiting the zoo!

Very tall... and so lean!

That's a python eating a rabbit. Yup, the rabbit's head is inside the python's mouth..!

My cousin clicking away to capture surfers at the Sunset Cliffs.

Sunset cliffs.
The next day was all about La Jolla Cove.

Where we saw seals! Some with babies, like this one where the baby was riding on the back of its mommy seal.

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