Saturday, May 03, 2008

Red Bull Air Race and Old Town's Fiesta Cinco De Mayo

So for whatever reason, this weekend is jam packed with events all around San Diego. In between doing my laundry (and I realized I still have another load to do... dirty rags!!) and running exciting errands like getting groceries, I stopped by two events.

Red Bull Air Race, which attracted TONS of people, was happening just 10 minute walk away from my home. It's a race for small airplanes, with obstacle courses set on the bay, and the planes take turns flying individually to see who can come in fastest. I don't know how the pilots are able to keep their wits about them, but the sight was spectacular. Here are some pic's.

These huge balloon cones were all over the bay for the planes to squeeze through. Those white puffs are left as "dust" to racer's fast zig-zag across the bay.

Cones from farther away.

Like this plane, racers would loop in between the cones... all only 10 ft above the water!!

As they finish off, racers would twirl and show off for the audience neat little tricks.
Because this is just how big the crowd was! Actually, it's a lot more! They had a huge screen tv for folks to follow the race along.

There was a helicopter monitoring the race.

It was hard to take pictures of fast flying racers, but somehow I caught this one in between.

Crowd was try to glimpse racers flying through. A huge crowd hung out at the pier.

As well as on this pier.

Even from the ship, they were watching.

Then, later in the afternoon, I hung out with a couple of folks at the Old Town for Cinco de Mayo Fiesta. There were a lot of vendors, music, food, colors, festivities, crowd, and good cheer. Since it seems to be the weekend to take pictures, I decided to put my camera to use here too.

Kids in traditional costumes, looking festive and colorful!
There was an exhibit of low riders too.
With characters all their own.
Even if it's a Cadillac.

Pretty interesting to see the insides of these low riders.

But these kids are still way cuter!
Signs of festivities!
They were made of papers, cut into beautiful shapes.
Wouldn't be fiesta without dancing!

That was it for my day. And my night was spent waiting for blogger to upload all my pictures!!!

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