Monday, March 28, 2005

Talladega Scenic Drive on Rule 281.

Along the scenic route, I had to take pictures of the sea of trees. Unfortunately, I think I took this trip too early and you can see some trees are still naked.

Another beautiful vista from Rule 281.

The scenie drive is actually through Talladega National Forest, and there were some hills.

Can you see the pretty flowers on this tree?? It's spring!

The mountains in Talladega National Forest is the souther tip of the Appalachian mountains.

And even though the road was curvy and steep, I actually saw bikers like him. I wouldn't even dare to try.

So I reached the Cheaha state park, and saw the highest point of Alabama. I also took a little "hike" down this boardwalk. It really was more of a walk.

On my drive back, I took Highway 9. It was a different view (but absolutely no cell reception) with open fields and cows meandering peacefully.

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haeji said...

but i drive very safely! (hee hee). actually, i slowed down a lot or to a complete stop to take road pic's. believe me, there aren't that many folks on the highways.

haeji said...

well, it's 3.2 w/sony. it's a couple of years old, i think. & it seems you can get a much better camera (4-5 megapixels) for the same price i paid (over $200). technology moves way too fast!